Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

9 Weeks


Carter and her grandparents - lucky girl!! The following will be responsible for spoiling her rotten.

Carter and her Mimi (aka Tali my step-mother)

Carter and her Papaw (my dad)

Carter and her Grandoc (Luke's dad)
Carter and Grams (Luke's mom)
Carter and Pal (my step-dad)
Carter and Nonna (my mom)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy first Father's Day to my husband and my best friend!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Smile

I was beginning to think the "social" smile (as opposed to the "gas" smile) was an urban myth told to new mothers by veteran mothers so that they didn't lose their minds. It was like something rewarding to look forward to - kind of like a sucker after shots at the doctors office. I began to think that my child must not have had anything to smile about. What was with all of the seriousness all of the time? Could it really be so bad? Then we hit week 7 or 8 and she really turned on the charm! Here are some examples...

and we are back to being serious... I'll take the smiles - however fleeting they may be. It is worth it.

Tummy Time (no babies were harmed in the creating of this post)

Please don't call DHS. I just thought these were kind of funny. It looks terrible, but she didn't seem to mind...

Matching Onesies and the Baby Straight Jacket

We love the Swaddle Sack aka Baby Straight Jacket.

Our good friend Kathy sent Carter and George matching onesies. So cute and we love them.

I see a trend here...

Week 6 - George's Christening

At George's Christening - he did so well!!

We took lots of pictures after church. I have found that if I am fortunate enough to have a shower and wear a dress, pictures are in order. This doesn't happen often.

Sweet G after church

Conversations with Daddy...

Week 5

Apparently, week 5 was a slow week in the way of pictures. This pretty much sums it up. No, I do not let my child sleep in the bed with us - this was a nap. Sometimes, you have to do whatever to get some sleep, right?

Week 4 with Carter

We love our gown from Grams!

Great-Uncle Larry and Great-Aunt Mary Ellen with Carter and George

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Carter Week 3 - Visitors

Oh my! Matching outfits and someone is not happy...
Great-Uncle Scott came all the way from Jackson for a visit.

Zantac makes me gag.

At 3 weeks, this was a pretty common site...

Pal with grandbabies Carter and George!

Carter's Grandoc with George

Carter in her precious outfit courtesy of Aunt Gracie :)

Rick Rick with Carter


With Mom

Week 2 with Carter

I was actually able to leave the house this week. We cooked out with Bailey (my brother), Gracie, and George.

Carter with her Nonna (my Mom)

First outing. Yes, that is a stick of butter in my hand! Typical.
With Cousin George. What a difference 3 1/2 months makes!

The Menetres

My very long legs
Peaceful. Rare.

Week 1 with Carter

First bath. She didn't hate it. I was surprised that she didn't scream the entire time.

This was my favorite little newborn Zutano outfit. Thank you Cousin George.